How to Build a Vision Board that Actually Works

Have you ever tried building a vision board before? Maybe it was a poster you created and stuck at the back of your closet when you were 12, or a full Pinterest board you pinned full of your ideal life.

For me personally, I had a really cool experience a few weeks ago that reminded me of the power that a well-done vision board can have.

We moved into our first, new home earlier this year, and have been slowly but surely organizing all of our stuff (lemme tell you—we’ve got a loooot of stuff). As I was setting up one of our guest bedrooms, I was pulling some items out of the closet and came across a folded-up poster board. As I opened it up, I realized it was a Vision Board I’d created about four years ago while living and working in Chicago.

As I looked at it, I couldn’t help but smile. The board featured so many images of “goals” and milestones I was dreaming of achieving, and as I went through the images, I realized how many of these I’ve created for myself! As I looked through the photos, there was…

  • An image of a tree-lined street and a beautifully unique home… check!

  • A photo of a bright, polished, #bossbabe-esque office… check!

  • An image of New York City lit up at night, with two girls cheersing their champagne flutes outside a cafe… check!

  • An image of a bride under Spanish moss fairy-tale trees… check!

It was surreal to realize how many of these accomplishments felt so far away at the time of building the poster. The fact that so many of these scenarios have come to fruition- and are a part of my normal day-to-day– is such a testament to doing the work, staying consistent, and keeping your vibrational frequency high enough to reach what you’re striving toward.

So, with all of that said, I want to set you up for success and teach you how to build yourself a vision board that WORKS, and that will help you achieve your goals and wildest dreams.

PAUSE. Put the Phone Down, and First, Get Clear on Your Goals

Before you even THINK about cutting out magazine clippings or firing up Pinterest, I want you to first spend some time getting comfy cozy and checking in with yourself, internally, and allowing yourself space to reflect on what you really want. I think this can go hand-in-hand with the Vivid Vision exercise I walked you through here—a way to translate your big-picture dreams into an image that you can bring to mind at any moment and excitedly work towards. Since your vision board is going to be a representation of your goals, you first need to get crystal clear about what those goals and dreams actually look like. 

As a quick refresher, you should ask yourself:

  • What areas of my life do I want to focus on most? (i.e. career, relationships, health, personal growth, home, finances)?

  • What specific goals do I want to achieve in the next 6 months, year, or even 5 years?

  • How do I want to feel as I work toward and achieve these goals?

  • What would the ideal future version of myself look like? 

Hot Tip: BEFORE you start your vision board, even if you don’t complete the Vivid Vision exercise in its entirety, pull out a journal and write the categories you’d like to focus on and the goals associated with each. Writing will help you streamline your thoughts, and seeing these ideas in words will give you focus as you find your images and materials.

Choose the Medium That Works Best for You

Vision boards don’t have to follow a one-size-fits-all formula. Think about where and how you’ll interact with your board daily. What style of board is going to resonate with you the most, on the most days? Popular options include:

  • Physical Boards: Grab a corkboard or poster board and physically attach photos, quotes, and symbols that resonate with your goals.

  • Digital Boards: Use tools like Canva or Pinterest to create a digital vision board that can live on your desktop, phone, or tablet. These are great to set as wallpapers so you can see them constantly day after day. 

  • Both versions: If you’re super committed to surrounding yourself with motivation and reminders of what you’re striving towards, create a combo of both mediums. 

Choose a medium that aligns with your lifestyle and preferences—what matters most is that you’ll look at it regularly, and it’s in a format you actually enjoy looking at.

Gather All the Materials and Creative Inspo You’ll Need for Your Vision Board

This is the fun part! Gather everything you’ll need to bring your board to life. Here are some ideas:

  • Images: Photos that reflect your goals and dreams. These can come from magazines, newspapers, Pinterest, or even personal snapshots.

  • Words and Phrases: Motivational quotes, affirmations, or single words that capture your aspirations.

  • Personal Touches: Items with special meaning, like tickets, notes, or little mementos.

  • Supplies: For physical boards, grab scissors, glue, pins, or tape to assemble your masterpiece. I also like to print out ideas I find online to set them up tangibly on a board. 

Design Your Vision Board With Intention

This is where the magic happens! As you design your vision board, place the elements in a way that feels inspiring and intentional. For example:

  • Group related items together (e.g., career goals on one side, personal growth on another).

  • Place the most meaningful or important goals at the center.

  • Use colors, patterns, or themes that energize and motivate you.

As you add each image or element, pause and reflect as you do so, and ask: Does this image or phrase resonate with me? Does it represent what I truly want? Do I feel happy and motivated when I look at this image, or disconnected from it? 

The more intentional you are and the more the images conjur positive energy, the more powerful your board will be. 

Pro Tip: As you make your board, try to AVOID choosing items you think you should be adding. Just because other girlies are adding pink Mercedes Benz’s to their boards, if that doesn’t resonate with you, DON’T add it. This is for you, and you alone! 

Display Your Vision Board Where You’ll See It Daily

A vision board only works if you engage with it on the regular. Display your board in a place where you’re sure to see it often, and feel free to get creative with this! At my last apartment, I stuck my vision board inside the door of my bathroom vanity since it was one of the first things I opened in the morning, guaranteeing I’d see it early and often.

Other locations could include above your desk, on a wall in your bedroom, as a phone or computer wallpaper, or even in the visor of your car.  Remember, the more you interact with it, the more it will reinforce your goals and keep you motivated! 

Pro Tip: Spend a few moments each day, either in the morning or before bed, visualizing yourself living the life you built-out on your board. Feel the emotions of achieving those goals as if they’ve already happened. 

Take Action Aligned With Your Vision Board

While vision boards are powerful tools, they aren’t magic wands. The work because they draw your mind towards what you want, so it’s important that you pair your visualizations with actionable steps that will help you to move closer to your goals. As you go about each day, allow yourself to reflect back on your board and your goals, and be intentional about taking all the little steps that will lead you towards achieving them. For instance, you may be tempted to skip the gym and instead meet a friend at happy hour… but think about which choise would bring you closer to your vision.  Progress, no matter how small, is what turns dreams into reality.

Why Vision Boards Work

Sorry if I’m sounding like a broken record, but I’ll say it again: the more you keep your goals front and center in your mind, the easier it is to align your thoughts, emotions, and actions with what you want. Vision boards work because they’re a daily reminder for you to stay focused and motivated, even when things get tough, or when temptations arise. Stay on that path, babe! 

Building a vision board isn’t about gluing pictures to paper—it’s about creating a clear, tangible reminder of what you’re working toward and why. When done intentionally, it becomes a powerful tool for visualization, motivation, and action.

So, ready to craft a vision board that actually works? Gather your materials, dream big, and start designing your future today. Send me a picture once you’ve completed yours, I’d love to see what you come up with! 


Morning Affirmations for a Bad B*** Kind of Day (Save These For Future Use!) 


How to Build a Life-Changing “Why” Statement